Thursday, November 9, 2017

In search of black swans

"The earth is the earth as a peasant sees it, the world is the world as a duchess sees it, and anyway a duchess would be nothing if the earth was not there as the peasant sees it."
—Gertrude Stein (American, 1874-1946)
Word for the day
Logrolling (n)
Cronyism or mutual favoritism among writers, editors, or critics, as in the form of reciprocal flattering reviews; back scratching.
Malice towards none
0.00011% of 1.3bn is 1430. 33% of demonetized currency is Rs4.50trn.
If with all restrictions, 1430 people could deposit Rs4.5trn in banks in 50days, then our system is totally dysfunctional and I don't trust anyone.
First random thought this morning
The entire political establishment in the country seems divided in two camps - those supporting DeMo and those opposing it.
Both camps are using their full might (supporters issuing multiple full page advertisements in newspapers and hours of TV advertisements and those opposing holding protest rallies and public meetings) to highlight their viewpoints.
I have three questions - (1) How many common people are still bogged down by Demo? (2) Why does BJP still want to keep the DeMo alive? (3) Why Dr. Manmohan Singh is not retiring from active politics?

In search of black swans

Couple of weeks ago, I received a message in my mail box from a friend who has keen interest in astrology. I read the message with some passing interest and also forwarded (almost mechanically) to few contacts who I thought might be interested in astrology.
The message read like this:
"Saturn is ready to move its house once again from 26th October 2017. This is the last but the most significant change of 2017, as Saturn moves from Scorpio to Sagittarius, where it will be transiting for about 2 years & 3 months (till 24th January 2020) bringing major changes in our life that are currently not imagined, planned or on the anvil. Sagittarius is a strange sign for Saturn as it is an aggressive sign full of fire, openness & impatience. All these traits are just the opposite of the true nature of Saturn, which would ensure that changes in life would come in due to changed circumstances and mostly out of reactions rather than planned or pleasant coincidences of life!
Saturn in Sagittarius has a strange history in our lives as well as the history of the world. If we review the last time Saturn visited Sagittarius during 1987 to 1990, we had experienced a sea of changes in our world. History is witness to the foundation of the European Union in July 1987, end of Iran-Iraq war after 8 years, World Wide Web (internet) invented by Tim Berners-Lee, Unification of Germany & fall of the Berlin wall; Mikhail Gorbachov was given the Nobel peace prize & Boris Yeltsin became the president of Russia & last but not the least, Nelson Mandela was released. These developments initially during that time seemed small & innocuous but have changed the shape of our lives over the last 30 years.
The same cycle is seen again as our life is ready to change once more. It’s time when we should keep an eye on the modifications in our surroundings and be ready to accept and adapt."
I am no expert in astrology or international affairs. No part of my formal education included study of geo-politics, strategic affairs and international relations. I may therefore not be competent enough to comment on these events. Nonetheless, as a out and out commoner, I can feel that the extant Global Order is witnessing some material changes and these are likely to impact my economic life at least. I therefore need o
Some of these changes when seen in isolation may look like local in nature. But if juxtaposed to the other events that are taking place simultaneously in the other parts of the world, it is difficult to deny their potentially larger impact.
Three decades back when the world was ushering the big changes, India was still mostly a closed society (and therefore a closed market & economy) which was just beginning to open up to the world. The impact of global events was therefore mostly felt positively, as those developments made it easier for us to enter the global mainstream and integrate with the world economy. It no longer is the case. This time we shall feel the tremors in full intensity and reap the fruits continue tomorrow

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