Friday, November 10, 2017

Assimilatng the change

"What is the answer? In that case, what is the question?"
—Gertrude Stein (American, 1874-1946)
Word for the day
Razzle-Dazzle (n)
Showiness, brilliance, or virtuosity in technique or effect, often without concomitant substance or worth; flashy theatricality, e.g., The razzle-dazzle of the essay's metaphors cannot disguise its shallowness of thought.
Malice towards none
In childhood we had summer vacation and Christmas break.
My children now have (a) Heat wave vacation in May; (b) Cold wave vacation in January; and (c) Smog break in November.
First random thought this morning
In last one month two criminal cases have shaken everyone's confidence in Indian legal and judicial system. In infamous Aryushi murder case and Pradhyumn murder case, police, administration and lower judiciary seems to have acted purely under influence of perceptions created in media (electronic, print and social).
In knee jerk reaction steps are taken ruining innocent lives. Police arrests people based on media hype. Judges deny bail on ground of morality rather than legality of the case. State administration announces relief and mitigation measures based on TRP of the issue.
It's scary scenario. If you are not scared, pray you do not become the victim one day.

Assimilatng the change

As mentioned yesterday (see here), a number of changes are taking place in the global order that shall certainly have far reaching impact on our lives. Even though many of these changes may not look like so profound at this point in time.
It is important to note that we perhaps have seen the longest period of peace in Christian era with no major armed conflict since Vietnam war ended in 1975. The conflicts in Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Somalia, Bosnia, Syria etc. have been localized and never threatened the stability of world order. This non-violence and peaceful co-existence is not the basic human instinct in my view. It is critical to see that the beast that has been sleeping for 50years does not raise his head.
The three changes that are worth taking note are listed below. In my view, these changes are profound and will have far reaching implications for the global order.
1.       Elevation of Xi Jinping
The amendment of the party constitution effectively confirms Xi Jinping’s as the Mao Zedong of the 21st century – a top leader with no constraints on tenure or retirement age.
As the Independent puts it "The inclusion of Xi’s name in the party’s document makes him only the third Chinese leader to be so honored, with his ideology joining Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory as a “guide to action”. It will now become compulsory learning for Chinese students, from primary schools through to universities."
After Mao, Communist Party ruled through a system of collective leadership. Now the party moves backward, again betting on a man who aims to restore the party’s central role in society, and nation’s central role in global affairs.
Xi Jinping thought embodies two important principles (a) the Party is in control of every aspect of life in China, from the economy to the internet, politics, culture and religion; and (b) China is on a path to become a true global superpower on its own terms. This puts to rest the expectations of China opening up and becoming more democratic as it became wealthier, converging its interests and political system with those of the West. The idea of political reform in a Western sense is now firmly ruled out.
Xi’s wants a nationalist, assertive China that will not threaten the world but will resolutely defend its interests.
Mao’s era was marked by revolution, Deng’s reformed and opened up China putting it on the path to become a global economic power. Xi’s era is likely to be characterized by full control and nationalism. To me it effectively seems like end of the unipolar world that emerged post collapse of USSR. I see Xi's OBOR endeavor as nothing but an attempt to erect the second pole in global geo-politics.
2.       Right wing swing of global politics
If someone is thinking that Macron's victory in France has put breaks on the meteoric rise of right wing nationalism in global politics, he/she may be terribly wrong, in my view.
The swing that was widely recognized post Brexit vote last summer, has only gained strength since then. Political developments from US, UK, Spain, Czech Republic, New Zealand, India, et. al. all provide strong evidence to this trend.
Such rise in right wing nationalism historically has invariably worked against the notion of globalization and threatened the global peace.
3.       Arab spring 2.0
The recent developments in Saudi Arab are most significant. It would be a mistake to see these developments as localized intra family struggle for power.
This must be analyzed in the context of (a) declining oil economy and rise of electric mobility; (b) strengthening of global alliance against Islamic fundamentalism, especially in view of the rise in terror attacks in Europe, that (c) forced isolation of terror sanctuaries like Qatar, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, and Pakistan.
The elevation of crown prince of Saudi Arab Mohammad Bin Salman, who vows to transform SA economy beyond oil, implement radical politico-religious reforms, curb terror funding and end hostilities towards Israel to work together for a larger objective is an encouraging sign.
Nonetheless, these developments raise the specter of an armed conflict in the region, with China (and its ally Pakistan) and Russia taking sides with Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Qatar.
Besides long term geo-political implications, a sharp spike in energy prices could create imbalance in global markets. The positive would be a strong push to electric mobility (advancing peak oil demand forecasts from late 2030s to mid 2020s).
I believe that the world is certainly moving fast towards the new dawn.
The transition, like any previous episode, will obviously be tumultuous. But the opportunities will also be tremendous, as always.
I am definitely not eligible to analyze the full spectrum of the change and its wider implications. The idea of this writing is just to make readers aware and to motivate them to undertake intensive study of the patterns.
Nonetheless, I find it important to assess the implications for India and evaluate my investment strategy in that light. continue tomorrow
Also see

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