Thursday, August 25, 2016

Unexciting denouncment of Rexit drama

The next post of the Morning Trekk will be on Monday, 29 August 2016
Thought for the day
"There is nothing as sweet as a comeback, when you are down and out, about to lose, and out of time."
—Anne Lamott (American, 1954)
Word for the day
Mountebank (n)
Any charlatan or quack.
Malice towards none
Shri Mohan Bhagwat is neither helping Hindus, nor Hindutava, nor Hindustan!
First random thought this morning
Flood in Bihar and Assam is an annual occurrence since past many decades. It has been regularly impacting the normal lives of millions of poor and helpless people, besides causing extensive economic damage.
There are ministries and departments for flood control. Relief packages are announced every year by the central and respective state administrations.
But we have not heard about any Plan to solve the problem on a sustainable basis. This makes the whole planning process look like a farce; and concern of politicians for poor questionable.

Unexciting denouncment of Rexit drama

The industry & markets have ostensibly hailed the announcement of Dr. Urjit Patel's as the new RBI governor in place of the outgoing governor Dr. Raghuram Rajan, as a measure to maintain continuity in the policy environment.
In my view, the whole episode exposes the inherent incongruence of the investment and business strategies; and is unfortunate to that extent. For example, consider the following:
(a)   The Reserve Bank of India is an 81year old institution. It has withstood all tests of the time and emerged stronger. This one of the few public institutions which have impeccable and unblemished track record of performance.
       Though governor may be working as a guiding force, denying the role of the technical teams working at RBI in policy making may be ignorant and unfortunate.
       Assumption that an individual could be more important than the institution itself is preposterous. Moreover, it violates the whole thesis of India being an attractive investment and business destination. The episode forces me to raise serious doubts over the:
(i)    seriousness of the celebrated global investors, who created ruckus over retirement of the incumbent governor;
(ii)   competence of the Indian media in economic matters, which took the lead from casual statements of celebrities and created an environment of fear and suspicion amongst the common public, especially the investors in financial markets;
(iii)  intentions of the political leaders from the opposition parties, who intervention in the matter was opportunistic, totally out of turn, unnecessary and apparently not in the national interest;
(b)   Assigning the bird adjectives to a RBI governor is unfortunate and contemptuous. This incorrectly suggests that the governors servants of their prejudices and/or are incompetent to judge the change in the circumstances underlying the policy formulation.
       Is it so difficult to accept that the macro fundamentals and economic realities have changed materially since 2013 when Dr. Rajan assumed the charge of RBI governor's office. Dr. Patel needs to take decision under current circumstances
(c)    Those clamoring for Dr Rajan, are not exactly celebrating the entry of Dr. Patel - who stands for everything Dr Rajan did and is considered more hands on to the Indian economy and businesses. Why? Do they fear that Dr. Patel, having worked closely for Indian businesses and global investors, knows much more about their "ways and means" as compared to Dr. Rajan whose experience was mostly academic.

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