Friday, February 14, 2014

Stay focused

 Thought for the day
“I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.”
-          Voltaire (French, 1694-1778)
Word for the day
Albumen (n)
The white of an egg.
Teaser for the day
Stadiums are for playing games!

Stay focused


  (Picture courtesy Google search. All rights completely respected)

The behavior of current AAP top leadership reinforces one of the best lessons learned by me wandering through incredible landscapes of our country.

Sitting on the banks of the Mother Ganga at Gangotri many summers back, I noticed numerous large rocks, stones and small pebbles lying in the middle of the current.

The current was so strong that if stopped for a second, it could unsettle even a mountain. But the Mother had no time to take issues with these obstructions. She would gently pat on the back of the obstructionist rocks, stones, pebbles and politely skirt them.

She was solely focused on the needs of millions of hungry and thirsty children waiting for her to irrigate their fields and quench their thirst. The obstructionist forces were getting slowly eliminated by their own friction – reduced to dust in due course. The same dust is used to build homes for the same children of the Mother!

The lesson here is that if you are committed to your mission and remain focused on the chosen path, the obstructions get dissipate by their own friction and eventually follow you.

The conduct of the current AAP leadership is exactly opposite. They are not only stopping by every obstruction, but even creating some of their own; compromising the commitment and losing focus in the process.

In my view AAP is a significant evolutionary event in the history of India; and entirely belongs to the common man, which has brought about this evolution. Arvind Kejriwal & co. should not be allowed to undermine this movement and appropriate it for their egotistical gratification.

Insofar as FIR in KG-D6 is concerned, the conduct of various parties involved may not be beyond suspicion. But loot if any is within the contours of the law of the land. You can change law to prevent repetition. But trying to set the clock backward may not yield much. As we shall see in coal and 2G cases.

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