Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Why Trump is a worry

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there."
—Lewis Carroll (English, 1832-1898)
Word for the day
Chanticleer (n)
A rooster
Malice towards none
Unfortunately, in the name of comedy, most Indian standup comedy artists seem trying hard to legitimize vernacular cuss words, even at the expense of their families, especially mothers.
First random thought this morning
Budget 2017: More objectivity should be introduced in the tax assessment process. To minimize litigation, assessing officers should be strictly instructed not to go against orders of High Courts and Supreme Court. They should violate ITAT pronouncement only under compelling circumstances.

Why Trump is a worry

Recently, a standup comedian popular in Mumbai circuit, ridiculed the Indian media, and the Indians who stay glued to it, saying that we unnecessarily bother about the world affairs, even on issues which do not concern us at all. Election of Mr. Donald Trump, being one of the even cited in support of his point.
While accepting the comical spirit of his act, and regardless of the eccentricities of Mr. Trump, I feel it would be ominous for us to ignore the changes that are taking place in global social, economic and political spheres. These changes, in my view, are not ephemeral by any means. They are in fact of far reaching consequences, and could very well result in dramatic changes in the global order that we today, rather quickly.
Noted columnist and author, Martin Wolf, in an article published last year (see here), had launched a scathing attack on Donald Trump. The title of the article "Donald Trump embodies how great republics meet their end" summed up the narrative.
Wolf portended "Mr. Trump is a promoter of paranoid fantasies, a xenophobe and an ignoramus. His business consists of the erection of ugly monuments to his own vanity."
Wolf quoted Robert Kagan's argument to extend his assertion. Kagan, had argued in a powerful column in The Washington Post, "Mr Trump is also the GOP’s Frankenstein monster. He is the monstrous result of the party’s wild obstructionism, its demonisation of political institutions, its flirtation with bigotry and its racially tinged derangement syndrome over President Barack Obama. We are supposed to believe that Trump’s legion of ‘angry’ people are angry about wage stagnation. No, they are angry about all the things Republicans have told them to be angry about these past seven-and-a-half years”.
Going many steps further, Wolf cautioned - "This is not about the last seven-and-a-half years. These attitudes were to be seen in the 1990s, with the impeachment of President Bill Clinton. Indeed, they go back all the way to the party’s opportunistic response to the civil rights movement in the 1960s. Alas, they have become worse, not better, with time."
Serving a stark reminder, Wolf said, - "During the first century BC, the wealth of empire destabilised the Roman republic. In the end, Augustus, heir of the popular party, terminated the republic and installed himself as emperor. He did so by preserving all the forms of the republic, while he dispensed with their meaning."
I mostly endorse these views. I believe that vote for Brexit and election of Trump are material events in the history of democracy. The elections in Germany, France, Italy this summer may create the Watershed. A repeat of US and UK verdicts there might create, rather precipitately, deep fissures in the global society. Trade & commerce that has bound the disparate ideologies together since WWII.
I shall share my thoughts on this in few days.

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