Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Do what you are good at

"The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them."
— Patrick Henry (American, 1736-1799)
Word for the day
Sybaritic (adj)
Characterized by or loving luxury or sensuous pleasure. E.g., to wallow in sybaritic splendor.
Malice towards none
All Bull Markets were born from the womb of Bear Markets.
First random thought this morning
The act of the Partition in 1947 was aimed at reservation of geographical areas and resources contained therein, for religious majorities on both sides of the border.
Post independence, creation of states on linguistic basis was an act of further sub-reservation for majority on the grounds of regional identity.
Then came further sub-reservations for the majority on ground of socio-economic status (poor and suppressed are still in majority).
Where is reservation and protection for minorities.

Do what you are good at.

I have been hearing the phrase "21st century belongs to India" for past two decades. Many politicians and analysts have used this cliché to emphasize the tremendous economic opportunities that India could offer in next few decades, given its young demography. The list of investors and global States seeking strategic partnerships who have been excited by the potential is long and impressive. The list of investors and Statesmen who have been disappointed in past two decades is also not small.
The point to evaluate critically is whether India sans its core ethos is viable as an economic and strategic power house!
In my view, it is definitely not.
Religion has been a major force in core Indian ethos. Traditionally it has been the influence of religion that has brought the concepts of scientific inquisition, righteousness, moral rectitude, social responsibility, environmental sustainability, debt management, HR management, and just & fair taxation, etc. in the trade and commerce.
Post Independence the State has been over focusing on micromanaging businesses and ignoring key social issues. This has weakened the core fabric of Indian society, inasmuch as that taking pride in our rich heritage has become synonym with bigotry for all - the so called "nationalist" who takes pride, the so called "secularist" who is too scared to take pride, and the so called "rationalist" who find nothing to take pride in Indian heritage.
Consequently, temples have degenerated from being center of learning & spiritual evolution to shelters for hatemongers, fearmongers, power seekers, and wealth hoarders. Many of these promote superstitions and block scientific inquiry to the detriment of society at large.
In my view, if we want to make this century belong to India, then Indian State—
(a)   should leave business completely to private enterprise;
(b)   play a much larger role in social awakening and create an enabling environment of mutual trust, self motivation, and compassion;
(c)    make the Temple (of course including Mosques, Monasteries, Gurudwaras, Agiyaris and Derasars and others) play a larger evolutionary role in progress of the society, rather than continuing to de-generate further and stay a stumbling block in the path to socio-economic progress; (Taking their gold for managing current account deficit is not sufficient!)
Given this, I am sure, Indians could do the wonders, everyone expect them to do now.
The State must realize and accept that politicians and bureaucrats are naturally and seriously handicapped insofar as their understanding of business is concerned. They should just secure borders, maintain law & order and promote social harmony. So far they have focused on the former at the expense of the latter for the disastrous consequences.

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