Showing posts with label Yudhishthira. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yudhishthira. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Two short stories

What is most wonderful?

Yaksha asked Yudhishthira “what is most wonderful?”

Yudhishthira answered – “Every day numerous living entities are dying and going to the abode of Yama. Yet one thinks/believes one will live forever (Immortal). What can be more wonderful than this?”

As the spring was paving way for summers in 2020, the entire country was locked down to prevent the spread of Covid-19 pandemic. A few weeks into the lockdown, the skies became blue; peacocks started dancing on city roads; mountains were visible from long distances; roads were empty; air was serene; a pleasant quietness had replaced the annoying cacophony; many misogynists and patriarchs were helping their wives in household chores; many tech illiterates were quickly leaning to use smart devices for communication, shopping & entertainment; the sentiments of frugality, minimalism, spirituality, & patriotism, etc. overpowered vanity, presumptuousness, pretense, selfishness etc.; and new births and deaths were accepted with equanimity.

As the autumn approached, some relaxations were allowed but austere weddings (50 guests) replaced big fat weddings (1000-3000 guests). Professionals continued to work from remote locations. Many of whom had moved back to their peaceful home towns, far away from bustling metros.

Two years later, the skies are no longer blue; peacocks have retreated to their hideouts; roads are as choked as before March 2020; air quality is severely poor; misogynists are no longer helping their wives; big fat weddings are back; spirituality and frugality have been overwhelmed by vanity, revenge tourism, revenge shopping etc.; professionals have left their old parents behind for a miserable life in metros; births are being celebrated and deaths are being mourned.

Everyone had seen the advantages of driving less, loving more, being spiritual & frugal, and being equanimous; but still no citizen are seen vowing – no driving personal vehicle for at least two days a week; no big fat wedding; less vanity, presumptuousness, pretense; respect for women etc.

The worst part is that no politician, policymaker, judge or administrator has advocated enforcement of these “virtues” for the sake of future generations.

What could be more wonderful than this?


A household hired a new domestic worker. The worker promised to work hard and more efficiently than all the previous workers that had worked for the household. Few months later his neighbors pointed out to the household that the new worker is not true to his promise and may be indulging in some acts of corruption also. But instead of seeking accountability from his worker to whom he was paying a decent salary, the household started quarreling with the neighbor. The neighbors failed to appreciate how could this household pay the worker decently; tolerate all his inefficiencies, mistakes, laxity and insolence; and also aggressively attack the neighbors who dared point out the worker’s mistakes to the household.

Nothing could be more unfortunate for a democracy, if the people who enthusiastically and hopefully supported a particular party and/or a leader, stop seeking accountability from them; and to make the matter worse begin to violently put down anyone else who dares to ask questions from such a party and/or leader.

(This narration mostly explains the present mood of a majority of the voters in Gujarat, besides some other states.)