Showing posts with label Metaverse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Metaverse. Show all posts

Friday, September 30, 2022

4th Industrial Revolution – Is the circle of civilization completing?

 “Fourth Industrial Revolution” is one of the most popular buzzwords these days. One gets to hear this almost every day in one context or the other. Business leaders, administrators, policy makers and money managers etc. have been using it in their presentations and interactions. In some cases it is used as a cliché, without intending any specific trend or opportunity. However, in most cases it is used to imply that new technologies and applications being used in the areas like manufacturing, mobility, communication, healthcare, education etc. are bringing remarkable change in the ways we are used to function. Metaverse, Clean Fuels, 5G, Drones, Artificial Intelligence, Convergence of Technologies, Blockchain, etc. are some of the pieces that are putting this revolution together.

For the youngest generation, the changes this revolution is bringing to their lifestyle might not appear stark. They were born in a world where technological changes have been fast, dramatic and disruptive. For the older generation, however, the experience is overwhelming.

The pandemic has added another dimension to the extant global development paradigm. A larger number of people are now looking for evidence to assess if we human being were less “happy” before we started to study and research the functioning of universe, cosmic events, natural phenomena like gravity & relativity, adopted the modern science and technology to carry out our day to day functions, trade and commerce, etc. In fact, if we do honestly assume "happiness" as the "ultimate goal" of all our social and economic activities; then most parts of modern science and technology may appear redundant to us.

An esoteric explanation of the fourth industrial revolution could be that we as a scientifically evolved society are trying to complete the circle by connecting the present to the point where it all started. Some indicators of this endeavor could be seen from the following trends:

·         We are increasingly accepting the Sun and Water as the primary source of energy and nutrition. Terms like chemical free, carbon free, etc. command the highest premium. Smoke rising from chimneys that symbolized earlier industrial revolution is considered regressive now.

·         We are increasingly preferring to stay in our respective caves, leaving the job of hunting and bringing food to few warriors (ecommerce, food delivery, work from home, video conferencing etc.)

·         The commitment to family and society is diminishing. “Individual” rather than the “community”, is becoming the focus of most activities, including sales & marketing, politics, religion, etc.

·         “Tribes” are becoming smaller and inward focused.

·         Procreation is not a priority for a significant proportion of the global population. In the next five decades we might see the global population stagnating or even declining.

·         The laws of the jungle have gained acceptance in most jurisdictions. The interest of the strong is accepted as justice even in the most developed societies. Lions and Elephants act at will while the rabbits and deer wait in horror to be devoured.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Metaverse – a good sustainability trade

In yesterday’s post I mentioned that in my view the likely demographic change over the next couple of decades is a more interesting investment theme than the more popular climate change or ESG. (see here) Some readers have sent their comments and views on the topic. A few have expressed disagreement with my hypothesis; but a large majority seems to be in agreement. A couple of readers have pointed out that demographic change and climate change are intricately intertwined and share a circular causal relationship. I fully agree with this viewpoint. The investment themes that support both climate change and demographic change could actually be the best investment theme. Metaverse is one such theme, in my view.

The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) in a recently released knowledge paper – “Metaverse and Emerging Opportunities” – highlighted some interesting aspects of this massive opportunity that has the potential to transform, inter alia, the way we work, study, communicate, entertain, socialize, get healthcare and transact with each other. The following are some excerpts from the FICCI paper that I believe are relevant for researching Metaverse as an investment theme.

What is Metaverse?

Meta (Beyond – Greek Word) + Universe (English) = Metaverse is an offering which provides users immersive and multisensory experiences using futuristic technologies.

In technical terms, Metaverse is a network of 3D virtual worlds focused on social connections. It is a collective virtual space, created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical and digital reality. It is an independent virtual economy, enabled by digital currencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). It is device independent and is largely democratized and not owned by a single vendor. Metaverse is built on a combination of Blockchain, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), 3D hologram, and Video.

Metaverse allows people to enhance or mimic their physical activities in the virtual space. This could mean transforming the existing physical activities that one is doing or by transporting to a new virtual world. Presently, multiple Metaverses are functioning independently from each other, having a functionality of their own. However, as the concept evolves, we shall see large Metaverses encompassing all the activities with broad functionality, or even conglomerates of multiple Metaverses integrated with each other.”

The opportunity size

A recent Citi report predicts that with 5bn potential uses, the total addressable market for the Metaverse in B2B and B2C segments could be between $8 trillion and $13 trillion by 2030.

Gartner expects that by 2026, 25% of people will spend at least one hour a day in the Metaverse for work, shopping, education, social media and entertainment. Metaverse is a trillion dollar opportunity per year around 2030 onwards while it is a $60billion now in 2022.

On the B2B segment, some of the use cases include:

·         Transformation of “Workspace collaboration” with always ON conference/meeting rooms for global meetings, conferences.

·         Talent acquisition, hiring and onboarding taking a new dimension in Metaverse

·         Digital test run of products and experience different options.

·         Learning, education, training, skill development with avatars (manufacturing, factory setups will get good leverage with this tech)

·         Healthcare (Telemedicine, Therapies, Surgeries)

·         Defense (Training, On-boarding, Recuperation, Simulation)

·         Real-estate, E-commerce companies can have product demos, showcase and branding opportunities

·         Advertising will move to the next level with a unique kind of storytelling experience for the audience using 360 videos and 3D technology.

B2C use cases for Metaverse include

·         Gaming and entertainment

·         Education, Learning, Skilling

·         Travel and Tourism

As a consumer I could already imagine a few things like:

*  No need for expansive showrooms for automobiles, electrical appliances, electronics, watches etc. Virtual shopping malls could be equally popular as the traditional shopping malls.

*  Much less need to physically visit doctors for regular consultation.

*  Much less frequency of business visits. Virtual conferences, book launches.

*  Lower frequency of visits to stadiums for watching games; or to theatres for watching movies.

*  No need for physical coaching/training centers.

*  No need for builders to make a sample flat or employ a huge sales team.

All of this essentially means less traffic on roads and lesser use of air conditioning and therefore less pressure on the environment. The present generation which is reasonably tech literate and is more comfortable with virtual shopping, working and socializing could be hitched to the Metaverses with broader functionalities.

Key concepts

The Metaverse is composed of many core elements that are combined together to provide a whole new world to the users. These technologies include eXtended Reality (XR), Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things but are not limited to them.

Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger for recording transactions, tracking assets and building trust. An asset can be tangible (a house, car, cash, land) or intangible (intellectual property, patents, copyrights, branding). Virtually anything of value can be tracked and traded on a blockchain network, reducing risk and cutting costs for all involved.

A non-fungible token (NFT) uses the technology of blockchain to create something that is unique and irreplaceable in the digital world.

A cryptocurrency, crypto-currency, crypto, or coin is a digital currency designed to work as a medium of exchange through a computer network that is not reliant on any central authority, such as a government or bank, to uphold or maintain it. Individual coin ownership records are stored in a digital ledger, which is a computerized database using strong cryptography to secure transaction.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings like humans.

The eXtended Reality (XR) is a superset that covers Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality and Virtual Reality. Virtual Environments are considered as synthetic or computer-based spaces.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of people, devices, and services [2] that can sense, connect to one another, make inferences, and act(uate) at scale. It is considered that over 30 billion IoT devices are already deployed globally today.