Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Age of Vikings 2.0

 I find nothing more disturbing than demolition of a long preserved and much cherished image or belief. Occurrence of this often gives rise to cynicism, shaking the core of the belief system. The recent act of violence in Japan is one such event.

People of my generation have known Japanese people for their politeness and commitment to non-violence. The pictures of Japanese crowds showing remarkable patience and calmness during adversities have been much cherished by post WWII generations. The assassination of the former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, last week, while he was addressing a public meeting has shattered many images I was carrying in my mind. This is perhaps first of its kind of act of violence since assassination of Inejirō Asanuma, the then Chairman of the Japan Socialist Party. However, in the pre-war era, political assassinations were rather commonplace in Japan. Japanese people took pride in their martial and imperialistic traditions. Many believe the 1945 nuclear attack on Nagasaki and Hiroshima overwhelmed Japanese society, burdening it with the guilt of being one of the main characters in the two disastrous world wars and losing its pride to the USA.

In fact, after decimation of the manifest fascist forces (e.g., Germany and Italy) and imperialistic forces like Great Britain, Japan and Austro-Hungarian empire post WWII, the world has been a rather peaceful place as compared to the preceding 2000yrs. The conflicts post WWII have mostly been contained. Even during the height of the cold war between NATO and Warsaw Pact countries, and shenanigans of star wars, there had never been a threat of escalation to the scale of larger World War.

However, if we correlate some of the recent events and trends, the picture that would emerge is not very comforting. For example, consider the following events and trends:

·         Assassination of Shinzo Abe.

·         Numerous acts of violence across USA and Europe, apparently perpetrated by random people who are not radicalized.

·         Blatant violation of international laws by Russia in invading Ukraine, as energy starved Europe overlooks the devastation of a sovereign nation.

·         China is threatening its neighbours’ territorial and economic integrity.

·         USA handing over Afghanistan to Taliban.

·         Communists (or socialists) winning elections (re-elections) in many jurisdictions, e.g., US, Germany, France, Italy, Australia, Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Bolvia, Peru, Honduras, and Columbia, etc. Polls are indicating that Bralians are most likely to lecet a leftist eader in October election, as Chinese premier Xi Jinping further strengthens his position at 20th National Congress of CCP later this year.

·         Reliance of population on governments for meeting basic needs rising exponentially along with the rise in the ffinancial and fiscal vulnerabilities across the globe.

·         Frequency of mass public protests rising in various jurisdictions.

·         Tendency of governments to overregulate and over govern increasing across jurisdictions.

·         Expansion of NATO.

When I look at these events and trends and many other similar things happening around, I get a feeling that people of the world are tired of pretending politeness, being democratic and practicing non-violence. They appear eager to get over their guilty conscience and establish supremacy of their respective races. We may in fact be close to the return of Vikings Age 2.0.

In the past 6-7 decades, we have seen many countries being invaded in the garb of restoring or establishing democracies or people’s rule in these countries. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine ends that façade. This will perhaps re-establish the legitimacy of colonialism and imperialism. We shall see multiple such instances in the coming decades.

Before we reach a stage when the new Roman, British, Ottoman, Qing empire would rise, we need to cover a long distance. Who covers this distance fast while conserving enough energy and stamina to occupy the post would decide the new world order, maybe 40-50years from now.

More thoughts on this later.

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