Friday, July 31, 2020

New Education Policy - Encouraging proposals

The government finally released the broad contours of New Education Policy. The last such policy was formulated 34years ago in 1986. Since then the socio-economic and technology context have completely changed. We are perhaps 25years late in effecting the necessary changes in our education, training and skill development system. Nonetheless, the new policy proposal is a strong positive move and needs to be welcome. In fact, it is arguably the best thing that has happened to India since MNREGA and RTE were implemented more than a decade ago.

The new policy is a "reform" in true sense, as it aims to change the status quo materially. The new proposals mark significant departures from the extant methods & practices of teaching, curricula, learning objectives, assessment procedures, regulatory framework, and other related aspects of the education system. The strong emphasis on accessibility & affordability, vocational training, value system, ethical orientation, nationalism etc. is a great initiative. Incorporation of modern technology in the curriculum is most desirable. The focus on development of creative thinking and solution based approach of young students is also much needed.

The goals of the policy are obviously ambitious, when assessed in the present context of fragmented political establishment, resource constraints and dominance of the vested interest groups who control the present education eco-system in the country. The implementation (particularly within the given timeframe) therefore is certainly going to be challenging. I wish the administration and political establishment will show strong commitment to come over all challenges.

Having said this, I would also like to share the following observations:



The influence of the American education system is too conspicuous on the policy proposal. This is a good thing as that system has been extremely successful in delivering the desired objective, and admired world over. However, ignoring the basic qualities of that system - uniform education to all desiring students and high quality education in government schools - raises some doubts.



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