Friday, December 12, 2014

May Sensex tread its own random path

Thought for the day
"Public opinion is the thermometer a monarch should constantly consult."
-          Napoleon Bonaparte (French, 1769-1821)
Word for the day
Happenstance (n)
A chance happening or event.
Teaser for the day
J&K beats Mumbai in cricket!
Will it also do so in democracy, by giving a clear mandate?

May Sensex tread its own random path

The recent CII "in-camera" meeting has evoked considerable interest in media and market circles. The selective leaks and euphemistic explanations somehow reminded me of the Hans Christian Andersen's story "The Emperor's New Clothes".
From what appeared in media, it looks that the Indian industrialists are already skeptical of the capabilities of the new government. Many in industry are apparently beginning to believe that the Modi led government is not doing enough or doing things the wrong way, but no one has the courage to speak up openly.
The cynicism, in my view, is flowing from the fact that at once everyone believed that the PM Modi will be able to implement his Laissez-faire or free market theory based economic model almost immediately at the national level. Regardless of the fact that he could implement the model in Gujarat only with limited success. Even though, unlike many other states, Gujarat has a history of 200years of industrialization and 60mn people who are globally recognized for their enterprising skills.
To give some concession, many captains of industry have advocated grant of reasonable time for bringing effective changes in traditional Nehruvian socialist model to the desired Laissez-faire.
But the zest with which they seek "reforms" almost immediately dissipates when you mention the words "Nira Radia", "Coal Gate", "2-G Spectrum" in front of them.
In my view, considering the present state of socio-economic development of various parts of the country, it is 10-15years too early to test the Laissez-faire model at the pan-India level. Hence, presently, Modi’s Gujarat model may not be of much relevance at the national level.
But at the same time I do not see the Gujarat model as PM Modi's limitation also. PM Modi has very successfully demonstrated his strategy skills in past one decade. It would be totally wrong to assume that he would not be able to adapt to the larger responsibility and formulate an appropriate strategy for integrated development of the country.
However, the proposal like dismantling the Planning Commission without having a concrete idea and or without putting in place a conceptual framework for the alternative mechanism will only erode his credibility.
The daily patterns emerging at Sensex technical chart do not worry me. 30K, 20K, 50K or 100k are just numbers which may temporarily concern a miniscule proportion of population.  What worries me is affording too much importance to this number. Anecdotally, I know that too much focus on stock market has only brought many distortions in the policy.
I believe that the new government is merely a reflection of the people's desire for change - change in the way this country and  economy has been run so far. The change will take place at the speed and in the direction the people at large are comfortable with. May the Sensex chart tread its own random path.

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