Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Consumerism, markets, aspirations and adhocism

Thought for the day
"A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth."
-          Aesop (Greek, 620-560BC))
Word for the day
Whodunit (n)
A narrative dealing with a murder or a series of murders and the detection of the criminal; detective story.
(Source: Dictionary.com)
Malice towards none
New Wonder of the world!
The dispensation responsible for one third of the administration of Delhi needs US$90mn to tell people what has been done to make their life better in past five months!
Would people not know by themselves if their life becomes any better?

Consumerism, markets, aspirations and adhocism

A vacation in serene hills of Garhwal Himalaya turned out to be revelation of sorts. Though I always had this slight inclination but picture was never so clear.
I often doubted the projections of India's growth potential by economists and government authorities. The potential that has been seldom accomplished in past seven decades needs to be judged with a great deal of suspicion.
To make the matter even more complex, the evaluators comprising of economists, retired bureaucrats, market analysts and investment strategists etc., have often held the government responsible for the this consistent "below par" performance of the economy.

Untitled.pngDuring the 900km drive and four days in a camp in secluded forest area I got convinced that the "economic growth potential" as projected using mechanical economic models is mostly illusionary. The growth and development projected through these models cannot be accomplished without pre-existence of certain civic and social conditions.
I am confident that it is the people of India who are constricting the economic growth and development. The government and administration are only some of the people who usually after making some small effort decide to join the people in their civil non-compliance. Being in a position of trust, they usually are successful in taking pecuniary advantage of the disparateness and pervasive non-compliance in the society.
Consider the following examples to understand the point I am trying to make.

Untitled-2.png(A)        Driving on NH-58 (Delhi-Badrinath) at night, I observed that (i) most state transport busses plying on the road did not have a working tail light or break light; (ii) cyclists were carelessly cycling on the main road without any protective headgear, reflector or light; (iii) trucks were commonly carrying iron rods hanging well outside their vehicles and no caution sign/light or reflector; (iv) pedestrian were crossing the highway carelessly; and (v) bikes and tractors were freely driving against the traffic to avoid a long U turn.
Discussing the phenomenon with many drivers on the food outlets all along the highway, I found that the immediate outcome of all this is that this slows down the traffic and keeps the drivers in constant fear of accident often resulting in high stress, drunk driving and violent outbursts.

However, the more serious consequences are that (a) after a while everybody stops following the traffic rules and general non-compliance & tendency to cut corners permeates deep into the behavior; (b) the value of human life diminishes and social violence gains acceptance; (c) the disregard for "right of way", translates into the disregard for "right to life".
(B)        The staff of civic authorities is perhaps never trained to value human life and time. They bother least about the inconvenience caused to fellow citizens by the carelessness and apathy.
After a repair job, they often leave the debris on road or do not patch the hole dug on the road for carrying repairs, causing traffic snarls, endangering life of travelers at night. They take weeks to do a job that could be done in hours.
The consequences is frustration, stress, and anguish. The outcome is violence, deep disregard for civic courtesies and compliance norms and tendency to cut corners at the expense of fellow citizens.
(D)        A hike to the famous Surkanda Devi temple, near Mussoorie was frustrating. The entire path was littered with plastic wrappers and bottles. Considering that this temple is mostly visited by the local people, it was really saddening.
The people of the region are known for their struggle to save environment. Famous Sunderlal Bahuguna carried out his movement to save trees and Ganga (from Tehri dam) here. Now these very people threatening the environment and embracing mindless consumerism would certainly constrict the growth and development.
(C)        The ‘jugaad’ mindset has tenaciously constricted the vision of an average Indian entrepreneur. Except for a handful of Indians, most of whom have the benefit of studying and/or working overseas, not many have thought about scalable business models.
‘Jugaad’ in economic field is proving to be as dangerous as in personal (like self medication) and political (caste and religion based politics, adhocism in key socio-economic policies etc.)
The ‘jugaad’ mindset reflects poorly on almost every aspect of the socio-economic life in India. This has severely impacted the pursuit of excellence, a hall mark of Indian art, culture, engineering, architecture, industry till 19th century, at least. Today, “Quality” is something India and Indians are not particularly known for globally.
As said on many occasions earlier, for my investment strategy, I presume a slower ~5-6% (old series) average growth for next decade with rise in mindless consumerism, policy adhocism, dominance of markets and unleashed aspirations.
I would not bother too much about struggle for survival of the bottom half of the pyramid, insofar as the construction of my portfolio is concerned. And I do not expect any major civil unrest, presuming that all Indians will continue to work for furtherance of their personal agenda only. About National Interest - that bird perhaps got extinct on 15 August 1947.
On Greece, I find it sufficient to quote a dear friend:
"Personally I think Germany will buckle under pressure from IMF and US. Between worries of a contagion and the impracticality of kicking Greece out of Eurozone and US worries of a left wing socialist fire in Europe fed by Russia they will arm twist Merkel and Troika to take a big haircut.
But that emboldens the anti austerity wing in Europe even more. All the left wing anti austerity chaps in Europe will have their tails up, especially in countries with high youth unemployment, viz., Italy, Spain, Portugal and France.
We have just seen Season 1 of a six part House of Cards. It's going to  be a long and messy."
 Pic source: Twitter #JugaadNation

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