Tuesday, December 24, 2019

2020 - Strategy

We wish all our readers Merry Christmas and a Great New Year 2020.
Our next post shall be on 6 January 2020.

Asset allocation
In view of the adverse risk reward ratio and growing divergence between bond and equity yields, I shall scale back my strategic equity allocation to 50% from 60% presently. The strategic asset allocation now stands at 50% Equity; 25% Gold and 25% Debt.
(a)   The entire equity allocation shall remain invested.
(b)   Gold allocation will be mostly invested in gold bonds.
(c)    For now, the debt allocation will be 75% in accrual products and 25% in long duration. However, if benchmark yields rise to 7.5% or above, I shall move the entire allocation to to longer duration.
My target return for overall financial asset portfolio for 2019 would be ~8%.
Equity investment strategy
I would continue to focus on a mix of large and mid cap stocks, with decent solvency ratios and operating leverage.
(a)   Target 8%-10% price appreciation from my equity portfolio;
(b)   I shall be overweight on IT, Insurance, agri input and large Realty sectors and underweight on consumers (especially FMCG and media). On other sectors I shall maintain a neutral position.
Equity trading strategy
I shall avoid active trading in 2020.
I have assumed a relatively weaker INR (Average around INR72.5/USD) and stable rates in investment decisions. Any change in these assumptions may lead to change in strategy midway.
Factor that may require urgent change in strategy
  • Material escalation on northern borders
  • Prolonger civil unrest
  • Stagflation engulfing the entire economy
  • One or more Indian states or large PSU failing to honor its debt

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