Friday, February 9, 2018

Household savings - 2

"The American landscape has no foreground and the American mind no background."
—Edith Wharton (American, 1862-1937)
Word for the day
Gorgonize (v)
Hypnotize, Petrify
Malice towards none
Is it true that Sardar Patel was once ready to negotiate the whole Kashmir for Hyderabad?
At least some accounts of independence and partition say so. (see here)
First random thought this morning
Prime Minister Modi is visibly angry these days. The outburst in the Parliament, though not unprecedented was quite disquieting.
One would like to understand what is bothering him most. Is it the opposition ganging against him and trying to engineer a coup in BJP? Is it sub-par performance of economy despite all his good intentions and best efforts? Is it rising tension at the borders despite all his brilliant diplomatic endeavors? Is it failure of BJP leadership to reign the fringe elements from raising frivolous and regressive issues? Is it fear of loss in forthcoming assembly and general elections? or is it something else?
But whatever it is, he might need to mend his style of working and take more people on board for sure, in the larger interest of the nation.

Household savings - 2

Ever since Indian embarked on the path to liberalization and globalization in early 1990s, it has been a fabled story for global investors. There have been many instances in the interim when this story appeared faltering and investors appear giving up hopes. But the lure of youngest demography and the burgeoning middle class has kept their hopes alive.
If we write the India Story as follows, one can see "household savings and investment" forms the very core of the whole India story.

If this virtuous cycle is defied and the new cycle looks something like the following, trust me, there will be no India Story left to tell about, whatsoever.

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